2022-05-04 – Minute of meeting

Date: 4th May 2022, 7pm

1.05 Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Present: Sheila Gibb, Joy Snape, Norman Catto, Robert Turnbull, Disney Barlow,
Cora Younger, one member of the public, Jim Clark Rally representatives (part)
Apologies: Marc Fletcher, Councillors David Parker and Jenny Linehan
Sheila welcomed everyone; no conflicts of interest noted.

2.05 Adoption of Minutes

March Minutes proposed by Norman, seconded by Robert.

3.05 Police Report

Action: Sheila to circulate April Police report on receipt.

4.05 Matters arising/actions from 30th March meeting

Norman confirmed Browns don’t stock plinths, Sheila submitted application to SBC Platinum Jubilee Fund to purchase an armillary sundial for The Green.
Auld Earlston approached for memorabilia/ local information about earlier events.
Joy confirmed no specific information yet about Ukrainian refugees in the Borders.
Jim Clark Rally and Co-option added to 4th May agenda.

5.05 Correspondence Received

The items received had been circulated.
CC noted SBC had renamed the Community Fund, now Neighbourhood Support Fund, applications are now made online while amounts available remain the same.
Cora was unable to join the Eildon Place Making Workshop because of family illness.

6.05 Reports

6.05.1 Planning

No applications received but 6 applications in progress reviewed, no action needed.

6.05.2 Treasurer

CC advised ringfenced amounts now amalgamated, General Fund will increase after SBC Annual Grant is received. Monies spent this year now reimbursed.

6.05.3 Earlston Community Action Plan (ECAP)

CC agreed to fund paint War Memorial railings this summer rather than wait for SBC, volunteers will carry out the work for the community.
CC are waiting for a full list of street names from David: to be checked and prioritised for repair or replacement. Up to £5K should be available annually from SBC Small Schemes to carry out the work, process successfully used by Melrose CC.

6.05.4 Earlston in Bloom

May will be a very busy month.
Flyers asking for support being delivered to all homes and businesses by volunteers.
New planters will be moved out soon, volunteers are needed as very heavy.
Hanging baskets for High Street are at Milestone for planting and growing on.
Rota planning to be completed by end of month, if sufficient volunteers.
Solar panel being installed for watering equipment.
Work sessions ongoing to clear old Police Post bed, now taken over by EiB.
Sunflower seeds being distributed to Primary and both local Nurseries pupils with follow up competition in summer.

6.05.5 Resilience

Nothing to report

6.05.6 Eildon Area Partnership

Nothing to report, next meeting 30th June.

7.05 New Primary School

David forwarded a project update this afternoon outlining work 4 phases up to August 2024. SBC are holding another event, with Plans forming the basis of consultation.

8.05 Eildon Housing Development.

Nothing to report, meeting scheduled for 2nd June.

9.05 Community Council Co-opted Membership

CC discussed possible ways forward and informal approaches to gauge interest before deciding how to proceed at next meeting.

10.05 Jim Clark Rally Route and timing, 28th May

CC thanked the representatives invited to explain possible impact and timings of their event as CC had no information for local residents/businesses.
The Rally is coming to the area this year for the first time and will start with 120 cars, numbers expected to drop for the second run as not all finish.
Cars will come from Westruther, along High Street and then take the B6356 skirting Redpath village up to the Scott’s View rally stage: vehicles due to travel through Earlston twice, between 10:30 – 11:00 and 14:00-14:30.

Organisers stated they expect there will be a police presence in Earlston to ensure cars drive to the speed limit, but drivers must not exceed 30mph anywhere between stages or they can be penalised by the Rally.

Roads at Scott’s View Stage will be closed from 09:07am with first car expected at 11:07 and on the second visit for 14:37pm. The Rally car parking is organised at Stages and people encouraged to use them as a safety precaution. Rally organisers are delivering information to homes in Scott’s View area, details due to press this week or next.

Disney explained there is already confusion about access/ closures around Redpath because of the lack of information provided.
CC requested that homes along the route to Redpath and in the village itself be visited to ensure residents know and understand the impact on local road closures and timings.
Action: F Renton to send map and times information to CC for village noticeboard.
Action: Sheila to send F Renton Redpath Village Hall Committee contact and email.

11.05 Any other Business

Disney confirmed the landowner didn’t wish to formally register a Beacon for the Jubilee but would have hosted if this was a private event.

Next meeting: Wednesday 1st June 2022

Chair/ Secretary
Sheila Gibb
01896 849663

Vice Chair:
Joy Snape
01896 848113

Robert Turnbull
01896 848515

Email: earlston.communitycouncil@gmail.com