2022-06-01 – Minute of meeting

Date: 1st June 2022, 7pm.

Minutes due to be ratified at next meeting

1.06 Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Present: Sheila Gibb, Joy Snape, Norman Catto, Robert Turnbull, Disney Barlow,
Cora Younger, Marc Fletcher, Anne Brown (Minutes), one member of the public.
Apologies: Councillor Paton Day
Sheila welcomed everyone; no conflicts of interest noted.

2.06 Adoption of Minutes

May Minutes proposed by Norman, seconded by Robert.

3.06 Police Report

Action: Sheila to circulate May Police report on receipt.

4.06 Matters arising/actions from 4th May meeting

Action completed: Sheila circulated April Police report on receipt
Action completed: F Renton sent rally information to CC for village noticeboard.
Action completed: Sheila sent Redpath Hall Committee contacts to F Renton.

CC noted the Jim Clark Rally had taken place, with a number of people watching through the village. Feedback indicated that there had been a lack of communication, signage etc from Station Road south and this should be taken back to organisers.

5.06 Correspondence Received

Items received had been circulated.
An application had been made to the Co-op Local Community Fund for Earlston in Bloom; CC will not be competing in SBC Greener Gateway Awards but remaining with Keep Scotland’s supportive, non-competitive Its your Neighbourhood initiative.

6.06 Reports

6.06.1 Planning

No applications received.
Action: Cora to email CC her consultation response.

6.06.2 Treasurer

Update given by Robert. CC would like to thank the community and businesses for their support of Earlston in Bloom fundraising campaign.

6.06.3 Earlston Community Action Plan (ECAP)

CC waiting for streets list from David to check and prioritise for repair or replacement
Action: Sheila to follow up on request.

6.06.4 Earlston in Bloom

CC gave thanks to local businesses and residents for their support in the current fundraising. The day spent in the Co-op was successful in raising both awareness and donations. All planters will soon have summer bedding, volunteer rota in place for watering and looking after them. New planted hanging baskets due back soon from Milestone. Joy is taking a session with the current P7 on genetics and sunflowers.

6.06.5 Resilience

In spite of advertising, the recent litter pick was mainly well attended by Bloom volunteers. It was gratifying to find less litter than on previous sessions.

6.06.6 Eildon Area Partnership

Nothing to report, next meeting is due to take place on 30th June.

7.06 New Primary School

The Planning Application had been accepted and an open event to share information is being held soon: date to be confirmed.

8.06 Eildon Housing Development

Nothing to report.
The meeting scheduled for 2nd June has been postponed by the Project Officer and will be replaced by a telephone call.

9.06 Community Council Co-opted Membership

Discussion on how to proceed postponed.

10.06 Any other Business

Date for walkabout with David tbc after cancellation.
CC continue to pursue SBC to repair and reopen all public toilets.
Discussion around improved communication, website, newsletters.
Action: Sheila, Cora and Marc discuss ideas, options and previous solutions.

Anne told CC about destruction last year of fruit plants and honey bee byke after which badgers took their food source after a ride on mower was used inside the park near field edge. SBC do not cut that area.
Action: Sheila to ask Greener Melrose (Donald) for help so the area could be protected. Meet Anne onsite and if necessary, put up notice to protect the area’s bees and biodiversity.

Next meeting: Wednesday 3rd August 2022

Chair/ Secretary
Sheila Gibb
01896 849663

Vice Chair:
Joy Snape
01896 848113

Robert Turnbull
01896 848515

Email: earlston.communitycouncil@gmail.com