2022-03-30 – Minute of meeting

Last modified date

Date: Wednesday 30th March 2022, 7pm

1.04 Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Present: Sheila Gibb, Joy Snape, Norman Catto, Robert Turnbull, Disney Barlow
Apologies: Councillor David Parker, Cora Younger, Marc Fletcher, Anne Brown (Minutes)
Sheila welcomed everyone; no conflicts of interest noted.

2.04 Adoption of Minutes

March Minutes proposed by Robert, seconded by Disney.

3.04 Police Report

Action: Sheila to circulate March Police report on receipt.

4.04 Matters arising/actions from 2nd March meeting

Sheila wrote to thank T Seabrook, S Holland for contribution to CC.
Sheila wrote to Redpath re representation. Reply awaited.
Queen Elizabeth Platinum Jubilee Celebration
Beacon: CC discussed and agreed any event must be done safely: to be kept under review while investigated. Details required well in advance for SBC if taking place so insurance is in place.
SBC Grant: CC agreed online item was best fit, Disney suggested Brown’s in Melrose for plinth.
No reply from Auld Earlston. Grant closes at end April, project needs to move very quickly.
Action: Norman to check Browns for stone plinth.
Action: Robert to contact David Lothian about Auld Earlston memorabilia/ local information.
Action: Sheila to progress any Jubilee application to SBC before end April.
SBC Wildflower Trial/Floral Gateway Feedback
Sheila advised SBC CC agreed with Church Brae planting.
SBC Community Council Insurance Renewal
A Foggin confirmed school will take responsibility equipment etc at Garden.
SBC Citizen Space Temp 40mph
Sheila submitted response for C76 trial.
SOSE Event
Cora to book place on 14th March. Event passed.
Sheila and Robert meeting in April to develop revised layout for records.
Sheila sent Marc Keep Scotland link, Sheila and Marc contacted schools.
New Primary School
David confirmed public comments closed, still welcome from CC:met Project Team online.

5.04 Correspondence Received

Items received circulated.
Jim Clark Rally organisers offer to attend CC and discuss plans for 2022. CC agreed to invite as they plan to come through Earlston, along Redpath Road and on to Scott’s View.
Action: Sheila to send Jim Clark Rally an invitation for next CC.

6.04 Reports

6.04.1 Planning

No applications received.

6.04.2 Treasurer

Robert advised insurance bill for £53.76 received, cheque signed.
Changes to named cheque signatories in hand.

6.04.3 Earlston Community Action Plan (ECAP)

Work on website delayed, offer of help made by resident not now available.
Walkabout postponed by David, to be rearranged.
Meeting held with EHS about Garden: another planned after Easter. SBC invited to attend.
Planters ordered in November cancelled after company advised of yet more delays.
No information from SBC on painting war memorial railings, street sign repairs/upgrades.
Action: Sheila to follow up walkabout and works costings with David.

6.04.4 Earlston in Bloom

Most residents contacted at planned new planters’ site, 10 baskets require brackets.
Residents will be approached at properties where it’s hoped to hang baskets.
To be planted by Milestone, same price as Melrose and Lauder: fantastic addition to High Street.
New trolley being assembled with solar panel to re-charge battery once in position.
Planter plaques bought, to be fitted before summer.
Snow drops planted and four dumpy bags cleared from a perennial border this month.
Mentor visit from Keep Scotland Beautiful arranged for 12th April.
Royal Horticultural Society Grow Well project’s calendula seeds requested.
Planning to give primary/nurseries sunflower seeds to grow at home for summer competition. Owner of Triangle on Lauder Road has agreed this can be taken over.
In May, for first time, intend to ask businesses/residents to sponsor Bloom work.

6.04.5 Resilience

Successful community litter pick took place on 27th March.
EHS has 2 planned for pupils in March, Primary has been contacted.
The group has a new member who moved here a few months ago.

6.04.6 Eildon Area Partnership

30th March meeting clashes with CC so impossible to attend online.

7.04 New Primary School

CC agreed to continue pursue elements of Plan as required e.g., parking for nearby residents and SBC decision on East Green play area and equipment during this period.

8.04 Eildon Housing Development

Preparatory work can be seen onsite. CC contacted about Community Benefits meeting in April.

9.04 Any other Business

Christmas Lights Storage
David advised he has been approached about provision of a container, awaiting to hear back.
Ukrainian Refugees Welcome
CC would like to know about any Plans so that it might be involved.
Action: Joy to contact David for refugee information.
Disney suggested Co-option be included for discussion in the May Agenda.
Action: Sheila to include Co-Option in May Agenda.

Actions Summary

Sheila to circulate March Police report on receipt.
Norman to check Browns for stone plinth.
Robert to contact David Lothian about Auld Earlston memorabilia/ local information.
Sheila to progress any Jubilee application to SBC before end April.
Sheila to send Jim Clark Rally an invitation for next CC.
Sheila to follow up walkabout and works costings with David.
Joy to contact David for refugee information.
Sheila to include Co-Option in May Agenda.

Next meeting: Wednesday 4th May 2022
Chair/ Secretary
Sheila Gibb
01896 849663

Vice Chair:
Joy Snape
01896 848113

Robert Turnbull
01896 848515

Email: earlston.communitycouncil@gmail.com