2022-10-05 – Minute of meeting

Date: 5th October 2022, 7pm.
Ratified on 2nd November

1.10 Welcome, Apologies and Declarations of Interest

Present: Sheila Gibb, Norman Catto, Robert Turnbull, Disney Barlow, Marc Fletcher, Cora Younger, Councillors David Parker and Jenny Linehan
Apologies: Councillor John Paton Day, Joy Snape

Sheila welcomed everyone, placing on record the Community Council’s sadness at the recent death of Queen Elizabeth and thanked Norman for reading the Proclamation for King Charles.
CC noted Anne Brown was unable to continue as Minute Taker at the moment, Norman volunteered for this meeting.
There were no conflicts of interest noted.

2.10 Adoption of Minutes

September Minutes proposed by Robert, seconded by Disney.

3.10 Matters Arising/Actions from Previous meeting not covered under Agenda Items

Discharged: Joy suggested ECDT use apples from Green when attending meeting
Discharged: Sheila requested advice from SBC about apple tree
Discharged: Sheila confirmed CC attendance at SBC Greener Gateway event
Discharged: David shared report.
Discharged: David confirmed Council officers were not aware of any name change to Church Brae including before SBC was created. Amending signs e.g., previously known as Mattie’s Close, is not supported by the Post Office or by street naming guidance.
Discharged: David raised the request for consideration of a one-way system on Everest Road etc., advised No informally but waiting for formal response.
Discharged: Sheila added the members of the public to the CC email circulation.
Police Report
Report circulated; no queries raised.

5.10 Correspondence Received

All items had been circulated.
National Park boundaries proposal initiative noted as positive opportunity, encouraging investment.
Action: Sheila to write: development noted and CC will keep the proposals under discussion.

6.10 Reports

6.10.10 Planning

Nothing to report.

6.10.2 Treasurer

CC agreed to fund a “thank you” event for Earlston in Bloom to recognise the volunteers’ work.

6.10.3 Earlston in Bloom

Norman and Sheila attended the Greener Gateway Awards, visiting a new nursery tomorrow.
Nepeta planted at Triangle, community areas to be tidied and weeded, wood preserves at borders. Planting single-coloured pansies for impact in lavender beds as part of winter bedding.
Daffodils planted on east beyond speed sign, wallflowers and pansies on A68.
Overwintering plants in resident’s heated greenhouse, good for sustainability and cost.
Quote requested for works to improve Bellevue.
Christmas planning started and hoping to work with Primary School.

6.10.4 Resilience

Marc approached by ECDT for help with their project, keen to have Resilience volunteers transport people and/or shopping to and from Lauder Larder. CC agreed reorganisation and confirming membership needed before discussions can take place.
Action: Marc to complete review and update Resilience membership.

6.10.5 Earlston Community Action Plan (ECAP) / Placemaking

SBC emailed to meet and discuss cycling infrastructure, reply awaited.
SBC are meeting CC to discuss Place Making strategy on 26th.

Website: Marc discussed need for new site with Cora. She will lead on the project.
Action: Cora and Sheila to discuss requirements and format before next CC meeting.

Dog mess: David requested stencil, recommended paint etc information from SBC.
SBC advised CC they don’t lend out them to community groups but could possibly put up some signs & spray some stencils on the footpaths. CC agreed to pursue materials themselves.

Action: Cora to research appropriate products for local use in Place Making.

6.10.6 Eildon Area Partnership (EAP)

No report.

7.1 New Primary School

Morrison Construction currently preparing mail drop to neighbours, CC and SBC in the circulation.
The December CC meeting is in Steven’s diary.
David confirmed work is on schedule, progressing well and the Nursery move starts tomorrow.

8.10 Eildon Housing Development

Cruden have issued and circulated Newsletter.
Suggested Community Benefits are with the contractor who are pricing work to War Memorial railings.
Marc has received complaints from pupils about the disruption and noise from the development site.
Norman asked if people would be decanted from Dalkeith. David confirmed no, there was a Borders wide formal process but it might be useful to invite Eildon nearer the end of the project to explain fully.

9.10 Community Council Co-opted Membership

CC approved the draft documents circulated and the agreed timescales.
The Notice will be published on Friday, closing date 21st October.

10.10 Update on Local Issues Raised with SBC

See table

11.10 Winter Resilience/Cost of Living Crisis

Report shared by David.

Marc and Sheila distributed SBC’s “Where to get help with food in the Scottish borders” flyer to schools, and nurseries, health centre, church, church hall, some shops and on noticeboards.
CC had organised and distributed larger laminated copies to make reading easier.

CC learnt there are What Matters Hubs again in Eildon.
Action: David to ask about a Hub returning to Earlston.

12.10 Reading Room Books

Sheila has contacted SBC to arrange visit, businesses won’t be approached until after this happens.

13.10 Platinum Jubilee Project

The project has been completed with evaluation paperwork returned to SBC.
The unveiling by the Duke of Buccleuch was very well attended despite appalling rain and he spoke movingly. Anecdotal feedback on the sundial, and the event has been very positive.

14.10 Any Other Business

Remembrance Sunday. Robert requested at least 4 stewards to help alongside church members. There will be a piper at the War Memorial.
Action: Marc to source four volunteers from Resilience team.

BT Phone Box. BT do not remove boxes but have a department dealing with dirty boxes.
Action: Sheila to email and pursue cleaning and maintenance of local phone box.

High School Litter. Marc asked if bins could be moved or added on the pupils’ route to and from the High School. Primary pupils who picked up litter pick at the unveiling were enthusiastic, he suggested this might be a positive opportunity to work with future EHS pupils more often.
CC agreed to write formally to the High School expressing concern about litter, asking about links to the curriculum or Eco Committee to encourage personal responsibility, call on police involvement if necessary.
Action: Marc to contact Kevin Wilson after half term.
Action: Sheila to write to Jill McDonald.

Welcome Pack. Marc reminded CC of welcome pack for Eildon houses discussed before Covid.
Action: Marc and Sheila to discuss and initiate work over winter.

10.10 Local issues raised with SBC
Outstanding Actions as at October CC meeting

Action to Be TakenBy
Public loo/bus stanceAs at 15 July
1Black steel stands at bus stance: One bent, all rustedBlacksmith to repair and repaintSBC/C BlackieStand repaired
No painting
2Ancient notices
Grubby notice board
Remove notices, clean metal board, provide clear instructions on who and how to contact SBC when there are access problemsSBC/C BlackieNo Action
The Square
3White parking bay lines faded outside PharmacyConfirm ownership, paintSBC RoadsNo Action
Road SignsAs at 29 June
4Signs requested:
Haughhead Road
Huntshaw, Mill Road
Jaynefield, Rodgers Place
To be taken forward as an SBC Small Scheme
Update from SBC: Order raised for external Painter to re-paint metal, cast signs. Don’t have a timescale. Raise order with Sign Shop for new signs required.
SBC/C BlackieUpdate
16 September
5Station Road
Sight lines blocked by overgrown hedgingHedge needs cut: correct section not removed.SBC

Next meeting: Wednesday 2nd November 2022

Chair/ Secretary
Sheila Gibb
01896 849663

Vice Chair:
Joy Snape
01896 848113

Robert Turnbull
01896 848515

Email: earlston.communitycouncil@gmail.com